Peer Tutoring Deadline

The deadline for students to request Peer Tutoring for Spring 2011 classes is Friday, April 15. Tutoring will end on Study Day (Wednesday May 4). Peer Tutoring is located in the Academic Resource Office (ARO) in FR 151. For questions, contact the Tutoring Coordinator, Kathryn Estee, at 477-2247 or

Juried student exhibition awards ceremony April 7

The 2011 Juried Student Exhibition Awards Ceremony will be Thursday, April 7 at 5:30 p.m. in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts gallery. This year the juror was Lisa Elder Melander, an MSUM alum and now a corporate curator in Minneapolis. There were 146 entries for consideration and Melander selected 80 pieces to be included in the exhibit. Thanks to […]

College of Business & Industry students take 1st place

Students Rob Hatfield, CIS; Stephanie Mahrer, Finance; Julia Murzaeva, Accounting; and, Andrea Rachel, Business Administration with a marketing emphasis, took first place in a business case competition sponsored by Advance IT MN. Each team was sequestered for 23 hours and was required to prepare a presentation for a group of industry executives. The presentation requirements included a Power Point, Project […]

Red River Undergraduate Psychology Conference

This year’s Red River Undergraduate Psychology Conference was hosted by Concordia College on April 1. A number of faculty members and students from the psychology department attended the conference.  The following students presented projects: Jennifer R. Wenner, Allyson Schaan, & Natalie Avey: “Social Rererencing During Inauthentic Emotional Situations.” Casey Lloyd & Ethan Dahl: “Music’s Effect on Helping Behavior in Second […]