Students invited to university budget forum

Students are invited to a special university budget forum from 11 – 11: 50 a.m., Friday, Oct. 18 in Center for Business 111.  Join Provost Anne Blackhurst, Student Senate President Kevin Struxness, and Marketing and Communications Executive Director David Wahlberg to ask questions and share your thoughts on the university’s budget.

Informational meeting for Tropical Field Biology course

There will be an informational meeting about the spring semester course Tropical Field Biology (BIOL 335, LASC 10) in SL 102 on Friday, Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. This meeting is for anyone interested in learning more about this travel course. There will be a description of the course structure, pictures of the places we go and discussion of the […]

Student and faculty member publish manuscript

Steve Grineski, STL, and Carole Braschayko, Elementary Inclusive Education major and Honors Apprentice, had a manuscript published in The Sophist’s Bane: A Journal of the Society of Professors of Education. The article is titled, “Speaking out about corporate school reform.” Braschayko presented this work at the undergraduate conferences on the Moorhead and Mankato campuses.