BFA Exhibition Reception

BFA Exhibition Reception Thursday, Oct. 24. The Department of Art and Design invites the public to the reception for the Fall Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition #1 on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Roland Dille Center for Arts Gallery (CA 105). Artwork Created by senior BFA candidates Danielle Holzschuh, Kayla Duffney, Claire Ea Fiedler, Caleb […]

Learning Community students serve neighbors of MSUM

On Friday, Oct. 18 approximately 80 Learning Community students, three faculty members, and two staff members raked leaves for homeowners neighboring campus. The volunteers served 24 homeowners and bagged close to 150 bags of leaves. The faculty and students will log approximately 170 hours towards the 125,000 service hour goal. Following the service project, the students participated in a debrief […]