Nursing and healthcare leadership students have a global healthcare experience

Students from nursing and health leadership programs embarked on an enrichment experience to the Dominican Republic over spring break. Julia Cowell, a graduate student in the Dual Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) & Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), expressed that she learned how a progressive developing country delivers healthcare with limited resources. During the trip, students spent time in […]

Healthcare Leadership Student and Faculty Presentation at American Medical Informatics Association’s Clinical Informatics Conference

Healthcare Leadership students Avery Steffen and Advitya Singh  presented their research on AI in healthcare settings at American Medical Informatics Association’s Clinical Informatics conference. This project was led by Dr. Jitendra Singh and Dr. Brandi Sillerud and students from undergraduate Healthcare Management & Leadership and graduate Master of Healthcare Administration programs participated in the research project. Student from Moorhead schools […]

School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Hosting Nursing Awards Celebration on May 1

Wednesday, May 1 | 2 p.m. | Comstock Memorial Union Room 205 MSUM’s School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership is hosting its annual Nursing Awards Celebration on Wednesday, May 1, at 2 p.m. in the Comstock Memorial Union (CMU) Room 205. The celebration will include the presentation of the Outstanding Nursing Alumni Awards and the Daisy Student Nurse Awards. The […]

Brandi Sillerud, Jitendra Singh featured in Area Woman magazine

MSUM Researchers Identify Adoption Hurdles, Offer Change-Management Approach Brandi Sillerud, MSUM researcher and coordinator of the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program and Jitendra Singh, co-chair of MSUM’s School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, are working with 15 healthcare organizations to identify barriers to artificial intelligence (AI) adoption and recommend strategies for expediting it. They also teamed up with Jitendra’s son, Advitya, an […]