Proposed BS in Nursing Program: Recent Updates

Please review the following updates for MSUM’s Proposed B.S. in Nursing: 1. Pre-Requisite Courses: Please see the attached pre-requisite semester plan detailing when pre-requisite courses for application and admission will be offered.a. Note: Anatomy & Physiology I & II (BIOL 125/L & BIOL 126/L), and Introduction to Microbiology (BIOL 236/L) will be offered Summer 2020. 2. Admission Criteria: The proposed […]

Proposed BS in Nursing Program Information Sessions

Tuesday, Oct. 15 | Noon to 1 p.m. & 3 to 4 p.m. | CMU 205 Nursing faculty will hold open information sessions for students interested in learning more about MSUM’s proposed BS in Nursing program Tuesday, Oct. 15 from noon to 1 p.m. and again from 3 to 4 p.m., both in the CMU 205. The proposed nursing program […]

Study Abroad Ireland – May 2020

Join Dr. Nancy Stock, Associate Professor in Nursing, on a nine-day study abroad trip to the Emerald Isle. This unique trip will combine some of the best cultural experiences that Ireland has to offer with an educational adventure into the ancient and modern sociopolitical history that has divided the island. Interested students from the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership […]