Teresa Shume Publishes Book Chapter

Teresa Shume, joint appointment between the School of Teaching and Learning and Biosciences, has published a book chapter entitled “Computer Savvy but Technologically Illiterate: Rethinking Technology Literacy” in a book entitled “The Nature of Technology: Implications for Learning and Teaching” published by Sense Publishers.

Grineski presents paper at international conference

Steve Grineski, School of Teaching and Learning, presented a paper at the 15th Annual International Conference on Research in Education, sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and Research, and held in Athens, Greece. The paper was titled, “We were pretty darn good”: A social history of the preparation of rural school teachers, 1900-1950.

MSUM hosted a Transition Conference for area high school students

MSUM, in collaboration with Clay County Community Transition Interagency Committee and North Dakota Region V Transition Community of Practice, held a two-day conference in the Comstock Memorial Union. The conference involved high school youth with disabilities, their educators, and parents and sought to educate participants about transitioning to life after high school. High school students participated in breakout sessions focused […]