Layna Cole and Erin Gillett, STL, presented at Minnesota Rural Education Association annual conference

Drs. Layna Cole and Erin Gillett, School of Teaching and Learning, along with June Reineke, Director of the Winona State University Children’s Center, gave a presentation at the Minnesota Rural Education Association annual conference. Their session, titled “Minnesota’s Early Childhood Landscape: Lessons and Opportunities,” explored the challenges and opportunities in creating alignment among various state agencies involved in Early Childhood […]

Calling all education majors

Volunteer Opportunity: Who: Education Minnesota Student Program When: Tuesday November 17th at 7:00 p.m. Where: Ellen Hopkins Elementary School What: Helping teachers out in their classroom with organizing, prepping, etc. Snacks will be provided Contact for transportation; vans will leave Lommen at 6:45 p.m. and 7:10 p.m.

School of Teaching and Learning faculty presented at conference in Arizona

Keri DeSutter, Shirley Johnson, and Deanne Borgeson, School of Teaching and Learning, presented at the Council for Exceptional Children’s Teacher Education Division Conference in Tempe, Arizona. They presented a poster titled “The Development of Field Experiences within an Integrated Special Education and Regular Education Licensure Program.” They also provided an oral presentation titled “Getting It Done Online: Meeting the Demands […]

Sue Severson presented at Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Fall Conference

Sue Severson, School of Teaching and Learning presented at the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE) Fall Conference. The presentation summarized the process utilized in MSUM’s recent teacher education accreditation study along with plans for transitioning to CAEP standards. The session titled “Teacher Education Assessment: How We Told Our Story—How We Plan to Tell Our Next Story” was […]