Dragon Safety Walk Sept. 10

Dragon Safety Walk. [September 10, 2014 8-9PM, Meet at the Main Gates (next to Bridges Hall)] This activity is designed to give administrators, faculty, staff and students the opportunity to walk through campus at night and document safety and security concerns (blue light placement, lighting in parking lots, visual obstructions, etc.) for future resolution. Sponsored by the Public Safety Department […]

Pub Crawl: Public Safety Style

Pub Crawl: Public Safety Style. (September 12, 2014 8-11PM, in the ROC.) This is an interactive alcohol awareness program designed to allow student to learn harm reduction techniques when drinking. Free Pool all night, Nacho Bar w/Mocktails and you could win a GoPro Camera. It is sponsored by Public Safety, Moorhead Police Department, Hendrix Clinic, Comstock Memorial Union, Office of […]

Blue Light Scavenger Hunt

In an effort to educate students about the locations of our Blue Light Phones on campus, we will be sending out clues in the month of September for a good old fashion scavenger hunt. Clues will go out via Twitter (@MSUMPublicSafeT) and Dragon Digest/Student News each Wednesday. Find the token on the Blue Light Phone and bring it to Public […]

September is Campus Safety Awareness Month

Public Safety is planning the following programs in honor of the month. Blue Light Scavenger Hunt. In an effort to educate students about our Blue Light Phones on campus we will be sending clues (every Wednesday via Twitter and Student News/Dragon Digest) about specific ones and hiding a token on the Blue Light. If a student finds the token they […]

Matthew Loeslie, finalist for Director of Public Safety, open forum today at noon in CMU 205

Matthew Loeslie has been Public Safety Training Director at Minnesota West Community and Technical College since 2010, and an officer with the Minneota Police Department since 2011. He was an officer and Crime-Free Multi-Housing Coordinator with the Marshall Police Department from 2006 to 2011. He holds a B.S. in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice from South Dakota State […]