Tornadoes: Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17-21

Today, Thursday, April 20, 2023, Minnesota statewide tornado drills will occur at 1:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m., with the emergency sirens being activated in the city of Moorhead at that time. MSUM will also send a Dragon Alert Emergency Notification Message at those times, reminding our campus community that the siren activation is for a statewide simulated tornado warning drill. […]

Floods: Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17-21

Flooding is an all too common occurrence in our area. Prior to the snowstorm in early April, the National Weather Service was predicting moderate to major flooding along most of the Red River Valley. The snow melt and rain may impact our flooding outlook as well.  Are you prepared for floods? Each year, Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management, in collaboration […]

Severe weather, lightning and hail: Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17-21

Thunderstorms affect relatively small areas compared with most other storms. The typical thunderstorm is 15 miles in diameter and lasts 30 minutes — but whatever their size, all thunderstorms are dangerous. Severe thunderstorms produce large hail or winds of at least 58 mph. Some wind gusts can exceed 100 mph and produce tornado-like damage. That’s why many communities will sound […]

Get set up with Alerts & Warnings: Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17-21

Are you ready for severe weather? Each year, Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management, in collaboration with the National Weather Service, sponsor Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota. The week is designed to refresh, remind and educate everyone about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them. It’s also a great time to make and practice your emergency plan and build or refresh your emergency preparedness kit.    On Thursday, April 20, 2023, […]

Statewide Safety Perception Survey

Minnesota State University Moorhead will be participating in the third statewide safety perception survey. The survey is being conducted to provide you, and all Minnesota State employees, an opportunity to express your opinions about workplace safety and to provide constructive feedback and information needed to proactively manage staff safety. The State of Minnesota Department of Administration has contracted with PMA […]