MSU Moorhead receives $453,425 from U.S. Department of Education to support veterans

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Minnesota State University Moorhead a three-year grant totaling $453,425 to develop a new Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success. The Center will provide dedicated programs and support to those who have served our country and improve their success and transition into careers. The grant will improve MSUM’s ability to orientate veteran students to campus, […]

Immunology Education takes center stage!

Immunology education has become increasingly important in recent times. Dr. Sumali Pandey joined her collaborator Dr. Philip Mixter (Washington State University) and Immune 60 podcast hosts Dr. Vincent Racaniello (Columbia University), Dr. Cynthia Leifer (Cornell University), Dr. Steph Langel (Case Western Reserve University) and Dr. Brianne Barker (Drew University) to share her NSF funded work with ImmunoReach (the Research Coordination Network), […]

Biosciences research picked up by popular magazine

A research collaboration between Biosciences faculty member Brian Wisenden and NDSU faculty member Craig Stockwell resulted in a peer-reviewed publication in the academic British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society in August 2022. That article has now been picked up by the poplar magazine Science News, based in Washington DC.