Dr. Damiano Fulghesu Co-authors Published Paper

The paper “The integral Chow ring of M_0(P^r,d) for d odd”, co-authored by Dr. Damiano Fulghesu, a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics, has been published in Compositio Mathematica. The paper is a collaboration with Dr. Renzo Cavalieri, Colorado State University in Fort Collins. The paper is available at this link.

Bachmeier and Guan Exhibit together at Rourke Art Museum

Bachmeier and Guan collaborative exhibition at Rourke Art Museum Professors Brad Bachmeier and Zhimi Guan’s 2nd collaborative exhibition, “Convergence/Transcendence,” is on display at the Rourke Art Museum now through March 19. The exhibit debuted with a member preview Friday, Jan. 27 and the public opening on Sunday the 29th. Art critic, historian and writer Pamela Sund collaborated with the Rourke […]

Season’s Greetings

It’s a head-bobbing, heartful and whimsical time of year. May your festivities with friends and family bring you hope and joy. Enjoy this festive holiday greeting created by a few talented students: MaryJo Nelson (ecology and evolutionary biology and film production) and Jacob Nubern and Joe Rosener (both majoring in film production). – President Anne Blackhurst