MSUM Students Contribute Data to NASA Mission

MSUM students Mara DeRung and Emily Watson submitted observations of an exoplanet transit to NASA’s TESS mission as part of the ground follow-up group. A transit occurs when a planet orbiting another star passes in front of the star, briefly dimming its light. The green line in the graph below shows the tiny dip in brightness of the star as […]

MSUM’s Chapter of Psi chi Earned Model Chapter Award

MSUM’s chapter of Psi Chi earned a Model Chapter Award for the 21-22 academic year. The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward healthy and active chapters who demonstrate cooperation and commitment to their local campuses, communities, and the Psi Chi International Honor Society. A total of 28 chapters were selected out of a total of 1150 eligible […]

School Psychology Faculty and Student at National Conference in Boston

The School Psychology graduate program faculty and students attended the National Association of School Psychology (NASP) annual convention in Boston, MA on Feb 14-18, 2022.  Faculty members Dr. Mary Dosch, Dr. Peg Potter, and Dr. Lisa Stewart also attended the Trainers of School Psychology conference on Feb 14 and presented a poster titled: “We Saved Our Program:  If We Weren’t […]

SoMAD student work receives awards from AAF-ND

Students from the School of Media Arts & Design received multiple awards at the 2022 American Advertising Awards of North Dakota held on February 25th. Graphic Design and Graphic Communications projects won Gold and Silver awards for their work in creative categories that included brand and visual identity, websites, games, and AR experiences. Student Best of Show went to Graphic […]