Sociology and Criminal Justice students present research today

Today, 34 students from the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice will present research posters in CMU Ballroom A/B from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. and 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. These posters represent research that students completed in SOC 351: Quantitative Methods. Members of the campus community are encouraged to attend and provide feedback to students on their research. Listed below […]

Theatre students put theory into practice

An exciting festival showcasing the work of MSUM theatre students as directors, actors, designers, stage managers, dramaturges and playwrights. Three nights of performances. Ten productions. Each night a new set of plays. Join us in watching MSUM theatre arts students putting theory into practice! Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, December 6, 7, & 8 @ 7:30 p.m.

MSUM is national finalist

Earns 3rd EPPY among 65 national, regional awards Minnesota State University Moorhead’s was named a national finalist in the 2012 EPPYTM Awards presented by “Editor & Publisher” magazine. In its 17th year, this international contest honors the best media-affiliated websites across 30 diverse categories, including recognizing excellence in college and university journalism in three categories.

CNSA Chi Sigma Alpha inducts eleven students

The Counseling & Student Affairs Honor Society, Chi Sigma Alpha is a member of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI).  “CSI is an international honor society that values academic and professional excellence in counseling. They promote a strong professional identity through members (professional counselors, counselor educators, and students) who contribute to the realization of a healthy society by fostering wellness and human […]

Cinethusiasts Film Club volunteered at Prairie Public Television

On Tuesday, Nov. 28, five students from the Cinethusiasts Film Club volunteered at Prairie Public Television for the station’s pledge drive. Nate Bakke, Kelly Dunifon, Conor Holt, Kristen Jensen, and Patrick McKeown answered phone calls from local donors all evening, got a tour of the studio and enjoyed free food from the Fry’n Pan. Volunteering at Prairie Public has been a […]