Sophomore physics major attended National Conference of Undergraduate Research

Sophomore physics major and math and economics minor, Iwetim Abate, attended the National Conference of Undergraduate Research in University of Wisconsin, La Cross between April 11-13.The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), established in 1987, is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students.

English faculty and students present at Minnesota Council of Teachers of English Conference

Dr. Elizabeth Kirchoff, Associate Professor of English, along with Katie Hansen, Abby Swegarden, and David Vinje, all three students majoring in Communication Arts/Literature Teacher Education, presented at the Minnesota Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference Friday, April 12, in Bloomington, Minn. Their panel presentation, “From Theory to Practice: Luring and Leading Reluctant Readers,” focused on pre-reading and during-reading lesson […]

Anthropology and Earth Science majors present at student poster session

Three Anthropology and Earth Science majors presented at the North Dakota Association for Women Geoscientists’ Student Poster Session at the Red Raven in Fargo on Saturday, April 13. Jessica Sharp and Rebecca Wallace presented their poster “Magnetic Susceptibility Analysis of the Sakakawea Site at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site” and Lynsee Langsdon presented her poster “The Bayley Collection: […]

Psychology faculty members and students attend Red River Psychology Conference

Seven faculty members (Bergstrom, Dalhouse, Malone, Nawrot, Nickell, Potter, and Stewart) from the Psychology Department along with a number of students attended the 27th Annual Red River Psychology Conference at NDSU April 12. The conference is designed to showcase research being done by undergraduate students at NDSU, MSUM, Concordia College, and other regional colleges and universities. Three MSUM Psychology majors […]