MSUM’s Fuego Tropical World Music and Percussion Ensemble to Perform at Pangea Cultural Festival and with Fargo-Moorhead Symphony

The MSUM World Music and Percussion Ensemble, “Fuego Tropical,” has been invited to present two unique community cultural outreach performances this semester. This coming Saturday, Nov. 9, the ensemble will perform at 10:45 a.m. at the Pangea World Music and Culture Festival at the Moorhead Hjemkomst Center. As the only university-affiliated ensemble to perform at the event, the ensemble will […]

Biosciences and Physics faculty co-publish study with students

Sara Schultz, Physics and Astronomy, and Brian Wisenden, Biosciences, and two MSUM students, Randy Sutrisno and Phil Schotte, had a paper accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Ecology of Freshwater Fish. The title of their paper is “Fin-flicking behaviour as a means of cryptic olfactory sampling under threat of predation.” This is Sutrisno’s “Fish Whisperer” third peer-reviewed paper as […]

Student and faculty member publish manuscript

Steve Grineski, STL, and Carole Braschayko, Elementary Inclusive Education major and Honors Apprentice, had a manuscript published in The Sophist’s Bane: A Journal of the Society of Professors of Education. The article is titled, “Speaking out about corporate school reform.” Braschayko presented this work at the undergraduate conferences on the Moorhead and Mankato campuses.