Lahti and MSUM students presented at conference

Richard Lahti and MSUM Secondary Science Methods students (Tanner Aufforth, Brady Vizenor, Anneliese Johnson, Kira Johnson, Whitney Shegrud, Dominic Mugavero, and Shannon Olson) attended the Minnesota Conference on Science Education in St. Cloud on November 8th and made several presentations: “Reacting to the Past Style Game to Teach HNOS in a KT Boundary Context”, “Study and Discussions of Student Misconceptions, […]

Beckermann to receive Outstanding Article Award

Kay Beckermann, assistant professor at the MSUM School of Communication and Journalism, will receive the Outstanding Article Award in the Critical/Cultural Studies Division during the National Communication Conference, November 14-17, 2019, in Baltimore, MD. Beckermann is the co-author of “White Lies: A Racial History of the (Post)Truth” with Dr. Robert Mejia, assistant professor at North Dakota State University, and Curtis […]

Tim Harms and MSUM students attended conference

Professor Tim Harms, Mathematics, four current MSUM Noyce Scholars: Jena Backes, Sophia Sowada, Briana Kowalke, Gavin Canlas-Rinke and four recent MSUM graduates: Brooke Mayer, Jared Saunders, Ashley Skalsky, and Isaac Skalsky attended the Midwest Regional Robert Noyce Conference, Developing Strategies for Bringing Experiential Math and Science Teaching to High Needs Schools. This was held November 1-3, in St. Louis.

Keri DeSutter and Kyena Cornelius presented at MACTE

Keri DeSutter, School of Teaching and Learning and Kyena Cornelius, Assistant Professor, Special Education, Minnesota State University, Mankato presented at the Minnesota Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE) on October 25. Their presentation was titled Aligning High Leverage Practices with MN Standards of Effective Practice.

Pam Werre and Carol Sibley presented at 13th IBBY Conference

Pam Werre, Curriculum Materials Center librarian and Carol Sibley, library professor emerita, presented at the 13th International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) Regional Conference in Austin, TX. They presented a session titled, “How is the Classic Home/Away/Home Journey Depicted in Vietnamese and Hmong Refugee Narratives?” Sibley and Werre presented on a panel with Dr. Petros Panaou and Eun […]