National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Grant awarded to six MSUM faculty members

A two-year $262,000 grant was recently awarded from the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program to co-PIs Tim Harms (Mathematics) and Alison Wallace (Biosciences). Senior personnel include: Linda Houts-Smith (Languages and Cultures), Richard Lahti (Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy), Steve Lindaas (Physics and Astronomy), and Teresa Shume (School of Teaching and Learning).

Peter Geib co-authored paper accepted for publication

Dr. Peter Geib, MSUM School of Business, and Dr. Lucie Pfaff, College of Mt. St. Vincent, recently co-authored the paper “China: Trade Agreements and Relationships with Southeast Asian Nations,” which was accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 13(2), 2012. The Journal of Management Policy and Practice is a double blind, peer-reviewed journal that has […]