Steve Grineski co-presented paper at conference

Steve Grineski, School of Teaching and Learning, co-presented a paper with Julie Landsman titled, “Follow the White Supremacist Money: Education Funding as Perpetuator of White Privilege and How Educators Can Work for Change.” The paper was presented at the 14th Annual White Privilege Conference: The Color of Money- Reclaiming our Humanity held in Seattle, Wash.

Two papers by Jinpei Wu accepted for publication

Jinpei Wu, School of Business, had two papers accepted for publication: “Compete at the expense of responsibility? Firm’s alliance responsibility in innovation process for SMEs,” co-authored with Shuyi Zhang from Shanghai Finance University, was accepted by International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.

Peter Geib Presents Paper at Chinese University

Dr. Peter Geib, Professor of International Business and Management, has been asked to present material from a Journal Article, “Chinese Legal and Economic Reforms: Reflection of the Economy and Marketing Strategies” at Shangdong Yincai University located in Jinan, China. The article was co-authored with Associate Professor, Tracy Gompf, Paralegal, and was published in the International Journal of China Marketing, V.3(1)2012.

Psychology faculty members and students attend Red River Psychology Conference

Seven faculty members (Bergstrom, Dalhouse, Malone, Nawrot, Nickell, Potter, and Stewart) from the Psychology Department along with a number of students attended the 27th Annual Red River Psychology Conference at NDSU April 12. The conference is designed to showcase research being done by undergraduate students at NDSU, MSUM, Concordia College, and other regional colleges and universities. Three MSUM Psychology majors […]