Glessner Part of Higher Ed Panel for the ECSE Leaders Fall Forum

Dr. Marci Glessner, School of Teaching and Learning, represented MSUM as a member of the Higher Education Panel at the Early Childhood Special Education Fall Leadership Conference on October 13, 2021.   The purpose of the panel, composed of professors from six MN universities, was to highlight university efforts to recruit and retrain candidates for Early Childhood Special Education careers. […]

Dr. Greg Gokce Serdar’s Paper Accepted for Publication

The article “The Impact of Institutional Context and Gender on Corporate Social Responsibility”, co-authored by Dr. Greg Gokce Serdar, Assistant Professor of Management at Paseka School of Business, and Dr. Kira K. Reed, Associate Professor of Management at Syracuse University, has been accepted for publication by The Journal of Managerial Issues.

Jill Holmstrom Receives Nurse Educator Award

As a part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies ( sixteen nurses from around the U.S. were recognized for outstanding achievement in nursing education including Jill Holmstrom EdD, MSN, RN, COS, CNE-cl, Program Coordinator | Associate Professor  at the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership. Jill received her award in the Higher Education […]