Singh receives USDLA awards for outstanding leadership, quality research

Jitendra Singh, a professor in the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership, has received both the 2021 Outstanding Leadership Award and the Quality of Research Paper Award from the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA). Singh was nominated in two of the seven USDLA categories recognizing leadership and innovation within the distance/digital learning industry as part of its International Award […]

Dr. Zhu’s paper accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Research Journal

The solo-authored paper, “Network Dynamic for Experimental Learning Cycle and Innovation Process: A Conceptual Model”, by Dr. Siwei Zhu, Assistant Professor of Management at Paseka School of Business, has been accepted for publication by Entrepreneurship Research Journal. The journal is rated as “B” in the ABDC journal list and “Q2” in the SCI journal list. The study illuminates the idea […]

3 EdD courses earn QM certification

Drs. Suarez-Sousa and Bradbury earn QM certifications for course design Dr. Ximena Suarez-Sousa, Department of Leadership & Learning, recently earned Quality Matters Certification for the online course ED 701: Introduction to Advanced Scholarship and Leadership. This is Dr. Suarez-Sousa’s first course to earn QM Certification. Dr. Boyd Bradbury, Department of Leadership & Learning, recently earned Quality Matters Certification for two […]

Professors Wisenden and Shastri co-publish research paper with MSUM students

MSUM Biosciences students Alex Seigel, Izzy DeVriendt and Madi Strand along with faculty mentors Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) and Ananda Shastri (Physics) have published their research in the international peer-reviewed journal Journal of Fish Biology The title of their research is Association of predation risk with a heterospecific vocalization by an anabantoid fish. In this experiment, Alex, Izzy and Madi […]

Dr. Hong Gave Keynote Speech in China

Dr. Hong, Philosophy, delivered his keynote speech for East Asian Analytic Buddhism Conference hosted by Shandong University in China on November 27. His paper was titled “Dependent Arising and Emptiness: That Which Arises Dependently Is Empty, But That Which Is Empty Does Not Necessarily Arise Dependently.” The conference was held online.