Bradbury elected president-elect of the Minnesota Rural Education Association

Dr. Boyd Bradbury, Department of Leadership and Learning, was elected President-Elect of the Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) at the group’s board meeting in February. MREA serves as the “Voice of Greater Minnesota Rural Education,” representing 237 Greater Minnesota member school districts and approximately 90 associate members, including higher education institutions and businesses and organizations serving rural Minnesota schools. As the […]

Denise Gorsline among 36 higher education leaders chosen for AASCU’s Department Chair Institute

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) has selected 36 higher education professionals for the inaugural cohort of its Department Chair Leadership Institute (DCLI), a program designed to address the unique needs of department chairs at state colleges and universities. Among the inaugural members is Minnesota State University Moorhead Professor Denise Gorsline, chair of the School of Communication […]

President Downs and VP Jackson featured in January Prairie Business magazine

President Tim Downs and VP of Academic and Student Affairs Arrick Jackson are among several higher education leaders featured in the January 2024 Prairie Business Magazine. In the issue, leaders discuss the strategic decisions being made to reshape higher education for the long term – everything from financial, enrollment and marketing challenges to addressing mental health and equity needs to […]