MSUM graduates start ‘Hack Fargo’

Justin Tuchek and Sri Kadimisetty on winning team at Startup Weekend  No talk; all action. This phrase encompasses the idea behind Fargo’s Startup Weekend, which was held March 8-9 at the Fargo Theater. Over 90 students and professionals were present at the event. Justin Tuchek and Sri Kadimisetty, MSUM computer science students who graduated in May, participated in Startup Weekend. “Startup […]

“Baldwin man who sat front and center of history: Former MSUM professor tells story of New York Times military writer”

By: Ross F. Collins, North Dakota State University, INFORUM “Baldwin of the Times: Hanson W. Baldwin, a Military Journalist’s Life, 1903-1991” By Robert B. Davies, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011, 399 pages, $32.95. Robert Davies spent 32 years at Minnesota State University Moorhead teaching history to generations of us journalism majors who most often hardly knew the difference between […]

Film Grads win big at Minneapolis Film Festival

MSUM Graduates won big at the Wizard World Film Festival in Minneapolis, May 1-3. Andrew Neill, Marcus Mann and Eric Carlson (2010 Graduates) and their Two Jackets Productions film company won the “Spirit of Comic Con” award for their short film “Meanwhile, at the Citadel of Superheroes…,” a comedy about a young woman whose superhero job interview is interrupted by […]

Making A Scene: Fargo woman illustrates modern family portraits

By: Anna G. Larson, INFORUM FARGO – Kelsey Sargent approaches family portraits with a modern mindset. The 28-year-old Minnesota State University Moorhead graduate uses her graphic design skills to create clean-lined cartoon-like portrait illustrations that incorporate elements of a family’s (or individual) life. For instance, the image she created for friends Ashley and Justin Morken, owners of downtown Fargo craft […]