Planetarium hosts 200+ people for 50th Anniversary Kickoff Event

July 21 from 6-8 pm the MSUM Planetarium hosted more than 200 people for their 50th Anniversary Celebration Kickoff event featuring the James Webb Space Telescope First Images.  With live presentation from faculty, Dr. Matthew Craig, STEM activities and demonstrations by the Society of Physics Students, telescopes set up from the Fargo-Moorhead Astronomy Club, and a live laser dance party […]

Full day of Physics and Astronomy Saturday, April 9

There are several Physics and Astronomy-related events this Saturday, April 9, open to the community: Society of Physics Students (SPS) Demo Show, 1PM in LH118: Join us for several demonstrations of physics principles relevant to the new James Webb Space Telescope. Our first in-person demo show since 2019 will include many new demos and hands-on activities. Check the Department of […]

Joint Student/community Astronomy Club – Meeting Tue, Mar 8

You are invited to attend the monthly joint meeting of the MSU Astronomy Club and the Fargo-Moorhead Astronomy Club on Tue, Mar 8 at 7:30PM in BR162. The meeting will include a free presentation by the MSUM Astronomy Club on “How to set up a telescope”. Information about upcoming meetings is in DragonCentral and on Facebook at