Physics Seminar — Careers in Physics: Medical Physicist

Join us for this week’s Department of Physics and Astronomy seminar. Charles Conduah, a Board-certified clinical physicist and alumnus of MSUM will talk about careers in medical physics. He is currently a medical physicist with the University of Minnesota Physicians. Prior to that he worked for Essentia Health and as a consultant. The seminar is at 3PM in HA 325 […]

Physics alumna to share continuing research in SAC keynote address

MSUM alumna Dr. Heather Cegla (she/they) will share her research experience with others as the keynote speaker at the Student Academic Conference on Tuesday, April 5.  Heather earned a bachelor of science in physics with an emphasis in astronomy and a minor in mathematics. The Dilworth native is as an assistant professor and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellow at the […]

Joint Student/community Astronomy Club – Meeting Tue, Mar 8

You are invited to attend the monthly joint meeting of the MSU Astronomy Club and the Fargo-Moorhead Astronomy Club on Tue, Mar 8 at 7:30PM in BR162. The meeting will include a free presentation by the MSUM Astronomy Club on “How to set up a telescope”. Information about upcoming meetings is in DragonCentral and on Facebook at

Physics Seminar: Careers with physics — Strategy Manager at Stratasys

Join us at the weekly Department of Physics and Astronomy seminar Fri, Mar at 3PM. Our speaker this week, Devin Kasper, graduated with a dual degree from MSUM (Physics) and NDSU (Industrial Engineering) in 2010. He has since worked for Hormel, SpaceX, and McKinsey & Company and earned an MBA from Yale University. He is currently a Strategy Manager at Stratasys, a global 3D printing […]