D2L Quick Eval Tool: Time Saver for Grading Webinar

Wednesday, April 29 | 10-11 a.m. The Quick Eval tool provides a single location to view all unevaluated student submissions (Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes) from all Brightspace courses.  You can sort, filter and search to prioritize which items you want to assess first. Become acquainted with the Quick Eval tool so you can save in your assessment and grading. To participate, log into Zoom: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/98596451586    If you would like […]

D2L: Rubrics to Save Time Evaluating Student Work Webinar

Monday, April 27 | Noon-1 p.m. Learn how to make the most of Rubrics to engage learners in all stages of assignments and discussions from start to finish.  Rubrics can be utilized as both a valuable evaluation tool and a meaningful communication tool.  It saves you time evaluating and grading while providing quality and objective feedback on student assignments.  To […]

Request your Summer 2020 D2L Brightspace Course Shells

Instructors can request their Summer 2020 course shells using the D2L Brightspace Request Form (https://my.mnstate.edu/ITS/Forms/RequestD2LShell).  IMPORTANT DATES:  Summer 20 shells can be requested March 11-April 26. On April 27, all unrequested summer sections will be created as single section course shells.   Fall 20 shells can be requested April 28-August 3.   COMPLETING THE REQUEST FORM:  You will be required to use your StarID and password to log into the D2L Brightspace Request Form (https://my.mnstate.edu/ITS/Forms/RequestD2LShell).  […]

Rubrics in D2L Brightspace for Beginners & Revisiting the Tool (It’s Greatly Improved!)

Wednesday, April 22 | 9-10 a.m. Rubrics in D2L Brightspace can be utilized as both a valuable evaluation tool and a meaningful communication tool.  It saves faculty time evaluating and grading while providing quality and objective feedback on student assignments. Learn the basics of creating rubrics that can be used over and over again.  If you tried Rubrics in the past and […]

Calculating Grades in D2L Brightspace Webinar

Monday, April 20 | Noon-1 p.m. Trying to figure out all the details of Gradebook settings and how calculations are performed?  Want to learn the options for the Students’ view of grades? The webinar will cover: Differences between Adjusted Final Grade and Calculated Final Grade Student Grade View—understanding how faculty determine what students will see and when they’ll see it […]