February student leaders of the month

The Student Organization Advisory Committee is pleased to present the following for achieving the February of the Month Awards for their outstanding leadership: Bijay Lama–Student Organization Leader of the Month; Habitat for Humanity–Student Organization of the Month; Jered Pigeon–Student Organization Advisor for the Month. Click headline to read more about the winners.

DragonFrost Office Decorating Competition

Does your office, department or college have Dragon Pride? Show it off by
participating in DragonFrost’s annual office decorating contest. Simply register on the Frost website and give the campus a chance to see your excellent skills. Judging takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 10th. Winners will be announced at halftime of the Men’s Game on Friday, Feb. 12th.

Dragon Frost One-Ton Sundae February 9 in the Union

Come and enjoy FREE ice cream Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. in the Comstock Memorial Union main lounge. One-Ton Sundae, one of many Dragon Frost activities, is sponsored by Comstock Memorial Union, Sodexo and Cass Clay Creamery. This event is free and open to MSUM students, staff and faculty. We will serve a variety of delicious ice creams and toppings to tantalize your taste buds.

Seeking Who’s Who Among Students Nominees

The Office of Student Activities invites you to participate in the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Program. For more than 70 years, in over 2300 institutions in all 50 states, this national program has honored outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and co-curricular achievements. To nominate, simply go to www.mnstate.edu/osa/resources/forms/whoswhonominationform.htm and complete the nomination form. Click headline for more information.

DragonFrost is February 8-12

Dragon Frost is a week of activities in February for the MSUM community to have some fun and chase away the winter blahs. Events are organized by the Homecoming/DragonFrost committee and the Office of Student Activities. DragonFrost activities include: A Snow Court Royalty selection (much like Homecoming’s King and Queen selection only this time freshmen and sophomores are candidates for royalty), free chili, snow shoe races, snow sculpting, mind reading, office decorating and the CMU’s One Ton Ice Cream Sundae. Check out the Frost website to nominate royalty, register for competitions and get all the details you need to join in the fun: www.mnstate.edu/dragonfrost