Leveraging Campus Climate Assessments for Equity 2030

MSUM Director of Diversity and Inclusion Jered Pigeon collaborated with Tarnjeet Kang, Minnesota State, and Trumanue Lindsey, Jr., Minneapolis College, on the recent Minnesota State Equity 2030 blog post, “Leveraging Campus Climate Assessments for Equity 2030.” In the post, Jered provided an overview of MSUM’s Spring 2023 Campus Climate Survey (log in with your StarID and password) and shared some […]

Workday User Training is Coming!

Comprehensive and robust user training will be available to all Minnesota State employees prior to go-live. As we get closer to the start of the formal training program in April, please see the Workday Training Guide to learn more about the Workday Training Approach.​​ What’s included in the Workday Training Guide?​ What can you be doing before formal training begins?​ Stay Informed on NextGen: MinnState.edu/FriendsofNextGen Questions? Email […]

Brick and mortar in higher education needs attention, too

A joint commentary by Minnesota State Chancellor Scott Olson and University of Minnesota Interim President Jeff Ettinger As a part of our communications effort this legislative session to advocate for increased investment in asset preservation, Chancellor Olson and University of Minnesota Interim President Jeff Ettinger submitted a joint commentary to the Star Tribune. You’ll find it in yesterday’s print edition, https://www.startribune.com/brick-and-mortar-in-higher-education-needs-attention-too/600351919/ […]

Minnesota State Womxn in Higher Education Employee Resource Group meets March 22

Friday, March 22 | Noon to 1 p.m. | Zoom  The Minnesota State Womxn in Higher Education Employee Resource Group (ERG) will meet on Friday, March 22, from noon to 1 p.m. to celebrate Womxn’s HERstory (History) month with guest speakers from Minnesota State Colleges & Universities: Zoom Link: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/91894968790 | Passcode: 847741 If you are interested in joining the Minnesota State Womxn in Higher Education ERG, please complete the registration […]

NextGen and Workday

Friends of NextGen homepage Work has been underway for many months on NextGen, a system-wide project to implement new, modern technology in Minnesota State colleges and universities in the coming years, including Workday, a streamlined cloud-based system that will replace ISRS. We’re getting closer to the launch date so will be sharing more frequently from the NextGen OCM Change Readiness […]