Chancellor recommends candidates for two vice chancellor positions

Two key appointments would complete new chancellor’s leadership team Steven Rosenstone, chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, recommended on Monday that the Board of Trustees appoint Douglas Knowlton to be vice chancellor for academic and student affairs and Michael Dougherty to be vice chancellor for advancement. Knowlton is the president of Dakota State University in Madison, S.D., and […]

MnSCU vice chancellor info online

Semi-finalist information is now available for candidates for the Vice Chancellor for Advancement. All information regarding candidates and the schedules for interview sessions can be found at this link. Three candidates will be interviewing on Thursday, November 10, 2011. Chancellor Steven Rosenstone looks forward to your participation and input into these important hiring decisions.

“Graduate Minnesota” campaign urges 
former students to re-enroll and earn degrees 

Initiative seeks to raise state’s college completion rates Minnesota’s working adults who have earned some college credits are being urged to re-enroll and complete their two- or four-year degrees at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to boost their job prospects and help meet the state’s workforce needs. The message is part of a new statewide outreach initiative called “Graduate […]

Campaign urges students to explore career technical programs

With Minnesota’s need to prepare more skilled and educated workers, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the Minnesota Department of Education have launched a campaign to encourage more students to explore and enroll in career technical programs. A radio campaign, “Learning that works,” is underway to showcase technical education programs offered by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and […]