Charting the Future input still sought

Yesterday’s Charting the Future Gallery walk was attended by more than 125 faculty, staff and students.  If you attended and would like to offer additional feedback to the implementation teams, you may do so here: If you were unable to attend, you can view the same information that was presented at The Fargo Forum’s coverage can be found […]

Attend today’s Charting the Future Gallery Walk

Charting the Future (CTF) implementation teams in the areas of Student Success, Diversity, Comprehensive Workplace Solutions, and System Incentives & Rewards have spent the past several months researching and developing initial ideas that will better serve our students and communities across the state and strengthen our colleges and universities.  These campus-led teams are comprised of students, faculty, and staff from […]

MnSCU is doing its part in higher ed funding

StarTribune | commentaries The Sept. 23 editorial “Rethink how state sustains campuses” leaves readers with the impression that the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system relies on the state to pay 100 percent of the cost to repair our facilities. In fact, in addition to the Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) funding that comes from the state, […]

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities waive application fees for College Knowledge Month

St. Paul, Minn., September 26, 2014 – For a limited time, college and university application fees will be waived throughout Minnesota State Colleges and Universities in recognition of “College Knowledge Month,” a statewide effort to provide every graduating high school senior, especially underrepresented students, with the opportunity to apply to college. “Our colleges and universities are committed to making sure […]