Voter registration information

The voter registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 23. You also have the ability to register on election day. Minnesota Statutes section 201.1611 requires all postsecondary institutions to provide voter registration forms to students. Voter Registration Form Online Voter RegisterForm For more information, see the attached document on election activities from Minnesota State.

NextGen Readiness Assessment Survey

Your voice is essential to the future of Minnesota State! The NextGen Project Team is reaching out to you to ask for your assistance in completing a Readiness Assessment Survey. Your role at Minnesota State gives you a unique perspective that will help guide the project as they plan implementation and ongoing communications. The survey should take approximately 30 minutes […]

Minnesota State Vice Chancellor for Human Resources open forums

You are invited to hold this date for open forum presentations of the semi-finalists for the position of Vice Chancellor for Human Resources. Presentations will be held in the system office in rooms 3304/3306 and will be webcast for those wishing to watch remotely. The open forums are scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3 and will be facilitated by Kent Hanson, president of […]

Minnesota State Awards Grants for Educational Innovation

Twenty-three projects at the colleges and universities of Minnesota State have been awarded grants that total $314,659 to fund educational innovations that show great potential for improving teaching, learning, and access for students. “Providing a vibrant and robust learning experience for our students requires that our colleges and universities be masters of innovation,” said Devinder Malhotra, chancellor of Minnesota State. […]

NextGen: Your input is needed!

Your input is needed! The NextGen ERP project is underway and working teams are defining the future state for academic and student services and administrative business processes for human resources, finance and facilities. They are determining what steps could be eliminated, examining what activities currently done outside of ISRS could be brought in, and what types of value-adding functionality could […]