MSU Moorhead hosting annual Tri-College Math Contest

MSUM is hosting the 45th   annual Tri-College Math Contest for 27 schools and 92 teams on Tuesday, March 11. The contest, hosted alternately between MSU Moorhead, Concordia College and North Dakota State University, tests the mathematical competency of middle school and high school students.  More than 700 students from schools across Minnesota and North Dakota are scheduled to take part. […]

Dr. Damiano Fulghesu Co-authors Published Paper

The paper “The integral Chow ring of M_0(P^r,d) for d odd”, co-authored by Dr. Damiano Fulghesu, a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics, has been published in Compositio Mathematica. The paper is a collaboration with Dr. Renzo Cavalieri, Colorado State University in Fort Collins. The paper is available at this link.

Tim Harms appointed to the SciMathMN Board

Professor Tim Harms, Mathematics, has just completed his service on the Minnesota Mathematics Standards Revision Committee. He has been appointed to a two year term on the SciMathMN Board and will be serving on the Standards & Frameworks Committee. SciMathMN brings together a statewide STEM community to promote equitable and accessible STEM learning and workforce participation, empower lifelong learning, and […]