MSUM’s Unfollow campaign earns Gold ADDY

MSUM’s undergraduate recruitment campaign, Unfollow, received a Gold ADDY at the South Dakota ADDY awards last weekend. MSUM’s campaign partner, Epicosity, is an integrated marketing and advertising agency in Sioux Falls, S.D., dedicated to giving brands a voice through bold ideas. The year-long campaign includes media placements in TV, radio, social media and in printed recruitment materials. Here’s a look at two […]

Meet New Colleagues: The Growing #DragonFamily

As we near holiday break we reflect on how our Dragon Family has grown this past semester. Here are some photos and tidbits about new colleagues on Twitter. (Read the full stories by clicking on names below.) These stories came about through interviews with students. (Marketing students interview new employees as practice before interviewing alumni and donors for other stories.) […]

Dragon PRIDE Recognition – Nominate wonderful coworkers!

MSUM faculty and staff go out of their way to support each other. By showing Grit, Heart and Humility, we make this a place where both students and staff want to work, live and learn. And we’re sharing about it with Dragon Pride! We are a Dragon Family. Want to recognize someone? Nominate at Also follow MSUMHR on Twitter to meet new colleagues.