Changes are coming to the MSUM Library!

The Library is currently in the process of moving to a new library management system. The new system will replace many of our public and behind-the-scenes service functions. One of the key new features will be an updated Dragon OneSearch, or public side of searching for library materials in both print and electronic formats. Most of our users will not […]

Schedule a library session for your courses

Don’t forget to schedule a library session for your courses for Spring semester. It is helpful to get in contact with librarians early so that the appropriate spaces can be booked. Library instruction sessions can be in the library in one of our two computer classrooms or a librarian can come to your classroom, tailoring research sessions around your assignment […]

VP Weber Announces Executive Director of Library Services 

Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Marsha Weber is pleased to announce that Dr. Martina Malvasi-Haines is joining MSUM as Executive Director of Library Services. Dr. Malvasi-Haines currently serves as Information Specialist to the College of Health, Environment, and Science at Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania. She has over twenty-five years of faculty and administrative experience in academic libraries. She holds […]