Integrating Library Services into D2L Brightspace

Friday, April 12 | 2-3 p.m. | Faculty Development Center (LI 124) Don’t miss your colleagues Travis Dolence and Trista Raezer-Stursa as they walk through Integrating Library Services into D2L Brightspace Friday, April 12 at 2 p.m. in the Faculty Development Center (LI 124). This is another session from the Office of Online Learning in collaboration with the Faculty Development Center. Each attendee will leave with knowledge of Library […]

Training in Library’s Dragon OneSearch

New System for Finding Books, Articles and More Faculty and staff: The Library has migrated to a new search system called Dragon OneSearch, as you may have seen advertised in multiple ways. This new search interface is similar to using Google to search all of the resources you have access to in the Library. Would you like some help getting […]

Library reminders for spring semester

On January 29, the Library will update many of its online systems. These updates will result in a new Dragon OneSearch search interface with improved usability across devices. The older versions of the library catalog will cease to exist after the migration. Library employees have already begun work on this migration. We hope to move forward with minimal inconvenience to […]