Contribute to the MSUM Archives COVID-19 Community History Project

The COVID-19 Pandemic has become a unique and significant part of world history. As these historic events continue to affect our everyday lives at Minnesota State University Moorhead and the greater Moorhead community, the MSUM Archives plans to document self-experiences in the form of a community history project to help record our daily lived experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We […]

Check out the Library’s COVID-19 Resources guide

It is National Library Week and your library has resources to help you during this time As part of National Library Week, the MSUM Livingston Lord Library wants to ensure our users know about how to access library resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the physical library is closed, our staff and faculty are available to help you and there […]

University Archives digitizing past student newspapers

The University Archives is working on a long term project to digitize all of the student newspapers and make them available in the university’s online institutional repository, RED. 319 issues of the Western Mistic, ranging from 1935 to 1948, are now available online: These newspapers give great insight into campus life during WWII. The following student newspapers are also […]