Email maintenance during spring break

During the week of spring break, IT will be performing several maintenance activities on the university email system. No issues are anticipated, however, if you experience any difficulty accessing your university email account, please contact the IT HelpDesk at 218.477.2603.

Would you like guidelines on building a successful survey?

Because there are so many surveys on the Internet, it’s important to write a survey that is short, concise, and provides the research and information needed. If you want help making your survey more successful, check out the location below: Login to your Qualtrics account at In the upper right corner, click on the yellow tab, ‘Help and tutorials’. […]

Items for sale

Minnesota State University Moorhead will have the following items available for sale. • PLEASE: No phone calls, drop-ins or emails to the Helpdesk as they do not have any information on these items. 1. iMac’s (loaded with Mavericks) – Approximately 140 for sale, both 20” and 24” with various specifications. MOST are priced from $175 to $225 depending on the […]