Patching of security vulnerabilities on campus computers begins

Faculty / Staff, This message regards the patching of software security vulnerabilities on campus owned computers. In an effort to protect the confidentiality of your data, and provide a secure computer environment, the I.T Department at Minnesota State University Moorhead maintains a patch-management routine and making it a part of our standard weekly operations. Effectively patching MSUM’s computers for security […]

Apple updates expected to occur in January

Faculty/Staff – Last month Apple released OS X 10.10 “Yosemite” via the Mac App Store. As previously communicated, the Information Technology department has been performing tests to confirm the supported services are working as designed. As has been reported by Apple, some devices have experienced issues with wireless connections and email issues. Apple has already released an update to remediate […]

IT Helpdesk Thanksgiving Break Hours

IT Helpdesk Thanksgiving Break Hours: Tuesday: 7:30am – 7:45pm Wednesday: 8:00am – 4:15pm Thursday: CLOSED Friday: CLOSED Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 6:00pm – 9:00pm Location: Livingston Lord Library Room LI 122 Phone: 218.477.2603 Email: