Helen Klassen, former faculty member at MSUM, passed away July 31, 2012

Dr. Helen Klassen began her career at MSUM in the counseling center in 1989 and transferred to the American Multicultural Studies department in the late 1990s. Klassen was a leader in teaching and mentoring Native students. She was innovative and creative in her use of Anishinaabe cultural traditions in her teaching to engage students and enhance their understanding of course content. Klassen once […]

Holding Eagle encourages community to grow

MSUM alum encourages community to plant gardens. By: Janelle Brandon, SheSays Contributor, INFORUM FARGO – Dil Maya Khadka stands over a collection of 5-gallon buckets with a hose, filling them with water to nourish the newly planted Growing Together Lutheran Social Services Garden in south Fargo. Maya Khadka, 23, of Fargo, is just one of the 40 New American families […]