Harris featured speaker at annual Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County meeting

Paul Harris, HLCRWS, will be the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County on Thursday, May 4. He will speak on the topic “Solomon Comstock: Gilded Age Politician.” As a state Senator, Comstock was responsible for the founding of Moorhead Normal School, now MSU Moorhead. His talk will draw on a research […]

Unruly Undies

Thursday, April 27 | 12-4 p.m. | Campus Mall Students from the MSUM Experimental Printmaking class will be hosting a public printmaking intervention in the Great White Hall (event moved from the campus mall) on Thursday, April 27 from 12-4 p.m. All are welcome to screenprint feminist and anti-oppressive messages onto clean underwear during the event. ​There will be a […]