‘Telling Truth to Power: Intersections of Feminism and Journalism’ – WGS Colloquium

Friday, Feb. 22 | 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Women’s Center (BR 154) Join the Women’s and Gender Studies Program for their February colloquium. Melissa Gonzalez, a WGS alumna currently studying multimedia journalism, presents several women in journalism throughout our nation’s history, and explores how feminism and journalism can blend and be used for anti-oppression work. On the last Friday of each month, the Women’s and Gender Studies Program holds […]

MSUM new hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead! Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know it’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon! January 10, 2019 Brett Beil – Adjunct, Health and Physical Education Sarah Ring – Adjunct, Speech Language Hearing Sciences Darrin Grubb – Adjunct, Economics, Law and Politics […]