Tri-College NEW Leadership Development Institute receives $10,000 grant

The Tri-College NEW Leadership Development Institute received a $10,000 grant from the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota for the 2011 institute. The Tri-College NEW Leadership Development Institute is coordinated by Dr. Deborah White, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice. The annual five-day residential program is designed to provide leadership training, inspiration, and support for women who do not already have extensive […]

TCU announces fourth round of collaborative grant funds

Tri-College University announces the availability of collaborative grant funds in an effort to promote new collaborative initiatives. These start-up, one-time; grant funds for are for faculty, staff and students who want to pursue new initiatives to help further the mission of TCU to promote cooperative efforts to enrich the academic environment of partnering campuses.

Dille grants awarded

The Dille Fund For Excellence Grant Committee has announced the 2010-2011 grant recipients.  The grant committee received 22 proposals requesting a total of $36,049.85 and was able to award only $6,000, supporting 14 projects.  This year’s committee members included: Teri Walseth (Dean of Education & Human Services), Joan Justesen (Vice President Alumni Foundation), Brittney Goodman (Associate Vice President for Instructional […]

Spring Semester 2011 diversity events funds application available online

Who Should Apply? The Diversity Events Fund program is open to any MSUM student, organization, faculty/staff member and/or department interested in promoting diversity. Criteria for Diversity Funding The event must encourage sharing, or educating, the majority community about diverse issues of underrepresented groups. The grant requester must be involved in the planning, funding, implementation and evaluation of the proposed event. […]

Roland & Beth Dille Fund for Excellence Grants

The Dille Fund for Excellence Grant Awards annually seeks proposals from the campus community for projects that raise the quality of education at Minnesota State University Moorhead. All members of the MSU Moorhead community are eligible to apply. Proposed projects should demonstrate innovation, uniqueness, and a commitment to improved educational experiences for MSU Moorhead students. Awards are typically made in the […]