#MSUM2016 Trends on Twitter

Leading up to and during Friday’s Commencement ceremonies, students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends were encouraged to share their Dragon pride, congratulations and excitement on Twitter by using #MSUM2016. The hashtag was a success, trending on Twitter by mid-morning and throughout the evening. #MSUM2016 was used in 2,040 tweets that garnered nearly 2.95 million impressions. Thank you to everyone who […]

Job Search Jumpstart Today

Thursday, May 12 | 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | CMU 205 Are you graduating and worried about what’s next? Attend Job Search Jumpstart on May 12 from 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the CMU, Room 205. Register for this event through DragonJobs by May 10. During this half day session jumpstart your job search with information on all aspects of the job search […]