Sannes, Kim’s coauthored paper published in Atlantic Marketing Journal

Dr. Wooyang Kim (Assistant Professor of Marketing – Paseka School of Business) and his student, Drew Sannes (MBA student and Research Assistant), made a publication in the Atlantic Marketing Journal (MSUM Qualified Article in the Scholarly Achievement Plan). This study was awarded “outstanding paper” in the sports marketing track at the 42nd Annual Conference of Atlantic Marketing Association, Williamsburg, Va. (2017). The […]

New graduate degree completion procedures in effect for Spring 2018

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS New graduate degree completion procedures in effect for Spring 2018. Graduate students at MSU Moorhead are no longer required to submit printed copies to the Library to be bound.* All submissions will now be electronic. A copy of each dissertation and thesis written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirements […]

Academic Affairs Announcement

Dr. Marsha Weber, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, has announced that Dr. Lisa Karch, current Graduate Studies Director, has accepted the position of Interim Dean of Graduate and Extended Learning, on a two year appointment beginning July 1, 2018.  This position was created to help align our current graduate and online/extended learning functions to create synergy and identify opportunities for […]

Bradbury keynote, session presenter at 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Education

Boyd Bradbury served recently as a keynote speaker and session presenter at the 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Education in Honolulu. His keynote address was entitled “Growing Graduate Enrollment through Quality Online Programs: A Mutually Beneficial Partnership between Students and the Higher Education Institution.” In addition, he presented a paper, entitled “Fundamentals of New Effective System to Accelerate […]