MSUM Community Outreach Center accepting new clients

Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Community Outreach Center provides free, professional and confidential counseling services that are open to the Fargo-Moorhead and MSUM campus communities. Counseling services are provided by Master’s level Counselors- in-Training that are supervised by professional counselors and faculty supervisors. The Community Outreach Center is located in Lommen Hall 113. To schedule an appointment please call 218-477-2513 or […]

Benz featured on national NSSLHA blog

Mariah Benz, second year graduate student in the Department of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) was featured the National NSSLHA (National Student Speech Language Association) Blog with her essay on “The Gift of Communication” as it relates to the role of alternative and augmentative communication in the profession of Speech Language Pathology. Her essay can be found here: The […]

Academic appointments announced

Marsha Weber, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, is pleased to make the following announcements: Dr. Lisa Karch began her duties as Interim Dean of Graduate and Online Learning on July 1. The Graduate Studies office is now located in the Center for Business 115. The Online Learning staff continues to be located in the Library. We began the search […]