Lost Your Keys?
Have you lost keys, a cell phone, billfold, glasses, clothing or any other items? Remember that the Rec and Outing Center in the CMU 116 is the official Lost and Found location on campus.
Have you lost keys, a cell phone, billfold, glasses, clothing or any other items? Remember that the Rec and Outing Center in the CMU 116 is the official Lost and Found location on campus.
Video Editing Classes Offered at Century College Summer ‘09.
The clean up day scheduled for today, May 5, has been cancelled. In all probability there will not be a clean up day this year due to other commitments. Thank you.
Everyone is welcome on Wednesday, May 6 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (or until the burgers have flipped out) to the Corrick Center’s annual Spring Bash.
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system contract with D2L runs until August 31, 2012. No decisions have been made one way or the other for beyond that time frame. However, we now need to be looking ahead to the future and assess the products and features most important to the users of an IMS for teaching and learning purposes.