Nepal Night

An annual cultural event organized by Nepali Students Organization (NSA) on campus, Nepal Night takes you on a cultural journey to Nepal. The theme for this year is “Riti-Riwaj” which means tradition. So it’s going to be a night full of entertainment, which includes dance, song, and a fashion show that reflects the traditional diversity of Nepal. The event offers […]

Nepal Night

An annual cultural event organized by Nepali Students Organization (NSA) on campus, Nepal Night takes you on a cultural journey to Nepal. The theme for this year is “Riti-Riwaj” which means tradition. So it’s going to be a night full of entertainment which includes dance, song, and a fashion show that reflects the traditional diversity of Nepal. The event also […]

Indigenous Peoples’ Symposium Nov. 8

Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion is a hosting an Indigenous Peoples’ symposium on Nov. 8. The Truth and Reconciliation themed event features Dr. Erma Vizenor, White Earth Chairwoman, who will describe the importance of constitutional reform for White Earth and other tribal nations. Professor Tadd Johnson, director of American Indian Studies at University of Minnesota Duluth, […]

Save the date for Historical Truth and Reconciliation conference

Nov. 8, 2013 – CMU 101- MSUM Save the date for this drive-in conference: Historical Truth and Reconciliation. Dr. Erma Vizenor, Chairwoman of the White Earth Nation will speak about tribal constitutional reform Dr. Tadd Johnson from University of Minnesota Duluth, will share an historical look at US-Tribal Relations Dr. Kandace Creel Falcon, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies -MSUM will […]