Safe Zone training

Two Safe Zone trainings have been scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 12, 4:30-8:30 p.m. in CMU Ballroom 200A (pizza supper provided) and Wednesday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in CMU 227 (lunch provided). These trainings are open to all MSUM faculty, staff and students. MSUM Safe Zone seeks to form a group of students, faculty and staff committed and trained to […]

Blankets needed for building of the Sweat Lodge

We need old/new donated blankets by Nov. 6. Laidman (JR) Fox will be building a sweat lodge just Southeast of the Center for Business and directly North of the Sustainability house. He will be answering questions about the lodge while the building begins at 10 a.m. and goes throughout the day on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Please drop off your blankets […]

MSUM Celebrates American Indian Heritage Month

November 2013 Wednesday, November 6 Building of Sweat Lodge and Q&A (Sustainability House) Laidman (JR) Fox will be available for questions/answer session during the building of a Sweat Lodge on the MSUM campus. Building of the sweat lodge will begin at 10:00 AM and continue throughout the afternoon. Thursday, November 7 12:00 Noon Opening Pipe Ceremony (Library Front)

Indigenous Peoples’ Symposium

Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion is a hosting an Indigenous Peoples’ Symposium on Nov. 8. The Truth and Reconciliation themed event features Dr. Erma Vizenor, White Earth Chairwoman, who will describe the importance of constitutional reform for White Earth and other tribal nations.