Gaming for Growth: A Self-Exploration Group

Gaming for Growth: A Self-Exploration Group What: A Therapeutic Role-Playing Game When: Tuesdays, 3-4:30p Where: Hendrix Counseling Center Who: MSUM Students interested in exploring themselves and gaining new skills. *The group will cap at 5 participants, however another group may be added if there is interest or the current time does not work For more information contact Counseling Intern, Registered […]

Paid Sanford Research Opportunity

The Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Research is currently recruiting participants for the following study:  Connections Between Stress, Self-Control, Self-Harm, and Eating Behaviors  You may be eligible if you: Are 18-50 years old AND are enrolled in freshman year of college Participation in the study will take place over a 2 study periods, one at the beginning of the school year […]

Open Work Study Position!

There is an open Office Assistant position in Hendrix Counseling Services department starting Fall Semester, paying $10.08/hour. For full position description and to apply, eligible Work Study students can apply on Handshake: Click on the ‘Dragon Jobs Login’ to get started. Please email Ashley Heng at for any questions.  

Listening and Sharing Space for Students

Events happening in the world affect us all, and we recognize that it can be helpful to have a safe space to listen, share, and process as students. With the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, an increase in Asian American/Pacific Islander hate crimes, as well as other recent acts of violence, we will create a […]