Pick up your FREE pedometers and register for Walktober
Pick up your FREE pedometers and register Monday at Hendrix for Walktober! The chance to win a Nike Fuelband!!
Pick up your FREE pedometers and register Monday at Hendrix for Walktober! The chance to win a Nike Fuelband!!
The Wellness Educators are bringing you Walktober! Pick up your FREE pedometers next week at Hendrix Health Center. Lots of fun prizes to win!
Pub Crawl: Public Safety Style. (September 12, 2014 8-11PM, in the ROC.) This is an interactive alcohol awareness program designed to allow student to learn harm reduction techniques when drinking. Free Pool all night, Nacho Bar w/Mocktails and you could win a GoPro Camera. It is sponsored by Public Safety, Moorhead Police Department, Hendrix Clinic, Comstock Memorial Union, Office of […]
Hendrix welcomes 14 new Wellness Educators for the 2014-2015 academic year. The primary objective of wellness education is to assist in the development and implementation of campus-wide health promotion campaigns designed to prevent health problems among college students by encouraging healthy lifestyles. WALKtober, Be Besties with Your Testes Dodge Ball, and Wear Yellow for Suicide Awareness are some the Wellness […]
Come participate in the Dodge Ball Tournament for Testicular Cancer Awareness THURSDAY, Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Wellness Center. First 75 participants get a FREE T-SHIRT! Sponsored by your Hendrix Wellness Educators and Intramurals.