Sue Humphers-Ginther elected co-president of Minnesota Gerontological Society

Sue Humphers-Ginther, Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Gerontology Program, was recently elected Co-President of the Minnesota Gerontological Society along with Phyllis Greenberg, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Gerontology at St. Cloud State University. The Minnesota Gerontological Society is a statewide professional membership organization consisting of social and health services providers, housing experts, research scientists, policy analysts, program administrators, […]

Celebrate MSUM’s distinguished alumni at the Distinguished Alumni & Outstanding Service Celebration

Please join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of Minnesota State University Moorhead’s outstanding alumni and friends. At the Distinguished Alumni & Outstanding Service Celebration we honor the professional and personal achievements of our outstanding alumni and recognize in appreciation MSUM alumni & friends who give their time and talent to further the mission of Minnesota State University Moorhead. We […]

Steve Lindaas invited to SISL-STEM Convocation at the National Academy of Sciences

Steve Lindaas, Department of Physics and Astronomy, was invited to attend the SISL-STEM Convocation held Sept. 19-20 at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC. Sustainability Improves Student Learning in STEM is supported by a DOE FIPSE grant administered by Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL). The original disciplinary societies included eleven partners from the American Chemical Society (ACS) to the American Psychological […]

The Constitution and What It Means to You

‘The Constitution and What it Means to You’ Join the lecture, ‘The Constitution and What it Means to You,’ Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. in Comstock Memorial Union, Room 205. Richard Henderson, Assistant Federal Public Defender and Moorhead State College alum of 1975, will talk about how our understanding and interpretation of the Constitution continues to have an impact […]

Tom McGrath Visiting Writers Series

Alan DeNiro Tuesday, Sept. 24 4:30 p.m. Comstock Memorial Union 101 The McGrath Visiting Writers Series kicks off with Alan DeNiro, author of the short story collection Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead, and the novel Total Oblivion, More or Less. DeNiro, a writer of speculative fiction, has also published an interactive “game novella” online, entitled We are the Firewall. His […]